Meetings corner  

» 3rd meeting of Murine Models of CNS Disease

June 30th, 2004
17.00Visit to the PET-center (PRBB)
19.00Get-together, Genomic Regulation Center
July 1st, 2004
9.00Registration. Genomic Regulation Center
9.30Presentation. Network on model organisms for the study of CNS diseases.
Mara Dierssen
Genomic Regulation Center (PRBB) Barcelona
10.00Cell death signaling in neurons and its initiation by BH3 only proteins
Jochen Prehn
Department of Physiology Science Foundation Ireland Fellow and Research Professor Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
10.30Role of the mitochondria in neuronal death
Valentín Ceña
Centro de Investigaciones Regionales. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha Albacete
11.30Neuronal death and phospholipid synthesis
Ramon Trullas
nstitut d'Investigacions Biomédiques de Barcelona (CSIC), Barcelona
12.00Differential nitric oxide synthase and COX-2 expression in carrageenan-induced mouse paw oedema
Inmaculada Posadas
Centro de Investigaciones Regionales. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha Albacete
12.30Impaired sensorimotor performance in CSP KO mice
Lucía Tabares
Dpto. de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Sevilla
14.00Implication of the endogenous opiod system in the adictive effects of drugs
Rafael Maldonado
Departament de Farmacología. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
14.30Prenatal endotoxic shock in the rat as an experimental model of schizophrenia
José Borrell
Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid
15.00Control of dopaminergic activity by serotonin receptors in prefrontal cortex: role in antipsychotic drug action
Francesc Artigas
Institut d'Investigacions Biomédiques de Barcelona (CSIC), Barcelona
15.30Gene Dosage Effects in a mouse model of Down Syndrome
Marc Sultan
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
16.30The pyramidal neuron in cognition and mental retardation
Javier de Felipe
Grupo de Neuroanatomía. Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid
17.00Neural phenotype in animal models for Down syndrome: what do we know about plasticity?
Mara Dierssen
Programa Genes y Enfermedad, Centro de Regulación Genómica, Barcelona
July 2nd, 2004
9.00Reversal of patophysiological status of the mouse model of X fragile syndrome.
Yolanda De Diego
Fundación Hospital Carlos Haya, Málaga
9.30Dynorphin-kappa opioid receptor signaling: multitarget regulation by DREAM
José Ramón Naranjo
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) Madrid
10.30An experimental model of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in mice: Molecular substrate and functional correlates
Rosario Moratalla
Instituto Cajal (CSIC) Madrid
11.00Ariadne, a Parkin-related protein and its mechanism of activity
Alberto Ferrús
Instituto Cajal (CSIC) Madrid
11.30Poster session
14.00Chemical and electrical synapses at GABAergic interneurones and significance thereof for synchronous activity
Hannah Monyer
Department of Clinical Neurobiology, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany
14.30Involvement of calcipressin 1, an endogenous inhibitor of calcineurin, in oxidative stress
Eulalia Martí
Programa Genes y Enfermedad, Centro de Regulación Genómica, Barcelona
15.00Midbrain and cerebellar morphogensys are precisely controled by dosage of FGF signaling
Salvador Martínez
Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH), Alicante
15.30Movements and gene expression patterns of undiferentiated primitive streak cells during gastrulation
Virginio García Martínez
Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humana, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz
16.00Neural induction in early chick embryo development is mediated by growth factors
Ignacio S. Alvarez
Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humana, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz
16.30Animal models for the study of retinal development and visual system in mammals
Alfonso Lavado
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) Madrid
17.00Concluding remarks