The public folder contains: The reference (along with the annotation) used to map the reads: GRCm39.genome.fa GRCm39.genome.fa.fai gencode.vM31.basic.annotation.gtf The subfolders in the public folder: - Ralf_Nuria_standardDRS_heart_m6A - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_heart_m6A - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_tissues_m6A - Ralf_Nuria_standardDRS_heart_m6A_merged_good - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_heart_m6A_merged_good - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_tissues_m6A_merged_good Basecalling was done with MoP3/mop_preprocess pipeline (with the m6A basecaller) on all of the samples. On these basecalled fast5 files the modPhred pipeline was ran to produce the mod files (the .bams of the individual samples were produced with minimap2 within the modPhred pipeline and they contain the encoded modifications). Each folder also contains the corresponding fastq files of the samples. Note that the fastq files provided here are the ones originally produced by the mop_preprocess pipeline (which outputs the reads in a single file per sample) that the basecalling was done with (but for the merged cases, they were merged together later on). Since modPhred needs to receive certain filtering options (in this case: setting the coverage such that only the positions with >=25 in AT LEAST 1 SAMPLE are reported) in order to produce the modifications (mod) file, the pipeline is ran on a particular subset of samples that we wish to compare: - Ralf_Nuria_standardDRS_heart_m6A: mettl3 and sham samples - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_heart_m6A: s_mettl3, s_sham and s_tac samples - Ralf_Nuria_shotgun_tissues_m6A: s_sham and cb samples s_sham and cx samples s_sham and kd samples s_sham and lg samples s_sham and lv samples s_sham and sk samples Note that for the 6 tissues samples, the s_sham samples from shotgun_heart were ran with the shotgun samples of each other tissue, so a mod file was produced for each one of those cases. Note that at this level there was still no filtering of the bad-quality samples, so the mod files are composed of all of the samples, including the bad-quality replicates. However, in the postprocessing of the modPhred results it became obvious that including the low-quality samples was not giving meaningful results, hence the corresponding columns for those samples were edited out of the originally made mod files and these mod_good files were then used in the postprocessing. In addition, only these "good" samples were used to produce the merged .bams for each condition and in the repeated analysis, since it became evident that for certain tissues the coverage was still not satisfactory across the conditions, for many of the sites: merged_mettl3: mettl3_ko2_stripped mettl3_ko3_stripped merged_sham: sham3_stripped sham4_stripped sham5_stripped s_sham: s_sham1_stripped s_sham3_stripped s_sham4_stripped s_sham5_stripped merged_s_tac: s_tac5_stripped s_tac6_stripped s_tac7_stripped s_tac8_stripped merged_cb: cb2_stripped cb3_stripped merged_cx: cx1_stripped cx2_stripped merged_kd: kd1_stripped kd2_stripped kd3_stripped merged_lg: lg1_stripped lg3_stripped merged_lv: lv2_stripped lv3_stripped merged_sk: sk1_stripped sk3_stripped IGV visualisation of the modifications: Open the .bam files, the reference .fa file, the annoteation .gtf file and the modification mod file. For a particular .bam file, set in the R-click menu: Shade base by quality Show mismatched bases Show all bases Show Coverage track Show Alignment track Collased or Squished (if too many reads) Alternativelly, these could be set globaly from the main menu: "View > Preferences > Alignments" Show alignment track Show coverage track Show mismatched bases Show all bases "View > Preferences > Third Gen" switch off: Quick consensus mode