This directory contains BED files of merged Transcription Start Sites (TSSs) generated within the GENCODE Capture Long-Seq project using PacBio HCGM reads. These were produced by merging "*TSSs.bed" files listed in ../raw/ using the following command: $ cat $RAW_BEDfile | bedtools merge -s -n -d 5 -nms -i stdin > All_Cap1__TSSs.clusters.bed All files correspond to genome assemblies hg38 and mm10. # File naming scheme: All_Cap1__TSSs.clusters.bed where: species: "mm": mouse "hs": human tissue: self-explanatory, except: "all": all TSSs merged across all tissues. # BED file format (BED6): There is one read per BED record. column 1: chromosome column 2: chromosome start of merged TSS column 3: chromosome end of merged TSS column 4: comma-separated list of read identifiers contributing to the TSS column 5: number of reads contributing to the TSS column 6: genomic strand of the TSS