from plotly.basedatatypes import BaseTraceHierarchyType as _BaseTraceHierarchyType
import copy as _copy

class Axis(_BaseTraceHierarchyType):

    # class properties
    # --------------------
    _parent_path_str = "splom.dimension"
    _path_str = "splom.dimension.axis"
    _valid_props = {"matches", "type"}

    # matches
    # -------
    def matches(self):
        Determines whether or not the x & y axes generated by this
        dimension match. Equivalent to setting the `matches` axis
        attribute in the layout with the correct axis id.
        The 'matches' property must be specified as a bool
        (either True, or False)

        return self["matches"]

    def matches(self, val):
        self["matches"] = val

    # type
    # ----
    def type(self):
        Sets the axis type for this dimension's generated x and y axes.
        Note that the axis `type` values set in layout take precedence
        over this attribute.
        The 'type' property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
          - One of the following enumeration values:
                ['linear', 'log', 'date', 'category']

        return self["type"]

    def type(self, val):
        self["type"] = val

    # Self properties description
    # ---------------------------
    def _prop_descriptions(self):
        return """\
            Determines whether or not the x & y axes generated by
            this dimension match. Equivalent to setting the
            `matches` axis attribute in the layout with the correct
            axis id.
            Sets the axis type for this dimension's generated x and
            y axes. Note that the axis `type` values set in layout
            take precedence over this attribute.

    def __init__(self, arg=None, matches=None, type=None, **kwargs):
        Construct a new Axis object
            dict of properties compatible with this constructor or
            an instance of
            Determines whether or not the x & y axes generated by
            this dimension match. Equivalent to setting the
            `matches` axis attribute in the layout with the correct
            axis id.
            Sets the axis type for this dimension's generated x and
            y axes. Note that the axis `type` values set in layout
            take precedence over this attribute.

        super(Axis, self).__init__("axis")

        if "_parent" in kwargs:
            self._parent = kwargs["_parent"]

        # Validate arg
        # ------------
        if arg is None:
            arg = {}
        elif isinstance(arg, self.__class__):
            arg = arg.to_plotly_json()
        elif isinstance(arg, dict):
            arg = _copy.copy(arg)
            raise ValueError(
The first argument to the plotly.graph_objs.splom.dimension.Axis 
constructor must be a dict or 
an instance of :class:`plotly.graph_objs.splom.dimension.Axis`"""

        # Handle skip_invalid
        # -------------------
        self._skip_invalid = kwargs.pop("skip_invalid", False)
        self._validate = kwargs.pop("_validate", True)

        # Populate data dict with properties
        # ----------------------------------
        _v = arg.pop("matches", None)
        _v = matches if matches is not None else _v
        if _v is not None:
            self["matches"] = _v
        _v = arg.pop("type", None)
        _v = type if type is not None else _v
        if _v is not None:
            self["type"] = _v

        # Process unknown kwargs
        # ----------------------
        self._process_kwargs(**dict(arg, **kwargs))

        # Reset skip_invalid
        # ------------------
        self._skip_invalid = False